A Beginners Guide To Creating Your First Nurture Sequence

I'm just a simple gal who loves nerding out over business systems, designing stuff and making content for the internet. I create no-fluff, actionable content to help you ditch the doubt, gain confidence and build the digital empire they’ve always dreamed of.

Hey, I'm Teri-Ann


The traditional nurture sequence wasn't made for us beginners. Which is why I've created a new way for us.

I'm just a simple gal who loves nerding out over productivity systems, website design and making content for the internet.

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woman working on email marketing on laptop with coffee in her hand

Email marketing is hard, and creating a nurture sequence when you have next to no content to your name is even harder! In this post I give you a look at my own ‘newbie friendly’ nurture sequence, breaking down the purpose and content of each email.

Fair Warning, I'm Only Charismatic On Paper..

I never quite learned how to 'be myself' in front of a camera but that doesn't stop me doing my damn best so that I can share all this juicy knowledge & inspiration with you!

i'll be the judge