A Beginners Guide To Creating Your First Nurture Sequence

I'm just a simple gal who loves nerding out over business systems, designing stuff and making content for the internet. I create no-fluff, actionable content to help you ditch the doubt, gain confidence and build the digital empire they’ve always dreamed of.

Hey, I'm Teri-Ann


The traditional nurture sequence wasn't made for us beginners. Which is why I've created a new way for us.

I'm just a simple gal who loves nerding out over productivity systems, website design and making content for the internet.

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Woman sitting at laptop working on brand style guide

Canva is an absolute game changer within the design space. It allows motivated individuals to show up online looking a million bucks, without having to drop big money on a designer.

In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to set up your brand kit within Canva and also how you can easily access it within the design screen.

Fair Warning, I'm Only Charismatic On Paper..

I never quite learned how to 'be myself' in front of a camera but that doesn't stop me doing my damn best so that I can share all this juicy knowledge & inspiration with you!

i'll be the judge